Friday, January 5, 2007

Genesis 26, 27

aslansown said...

Bible in a year-

In regard to your question about the tale of Abraham lying about Sarah, you need to read further in Genesis to see why this was included.Read Gen. 26. You see Isaac Committing the very same sin that his father Abraham did. Up to and includung telling the lie because he feared for his life.Fsat forward to Gen. 27 and you find Isaac's son Jacob being taught by his mother to be decietful and a thief. He then proceeds to run away from home, find the tabless turned on him by his uncle and end up wrestling with God all night.

The point of this is that God is teaching us that our sins will have consequences and if our sins go un-repentant they can have dire and long-term results.
Abrahamand Isaac were given gifts as a result of thier sin not because God was rewarding them, but because the ungodly men that they decieved and the people they represented had the good sense to understand that they had participated in a great wrong (albeit unknowingly) and that just compensation was deserved.

Abraham never repented of his lying and taught his son to become an habitual liar, not depending on God. Isaac taught his son the same lesson and the family was broken because of it. It wasn't until Jacob came face- to-face with his own character and the admission of who he really was ( "I am Jacob"= thief) that the cycle was broken and Joseph was taught the value of character ("How can I sin so against God?"). God double blessed Joseph's decision by providing two tribes in his name as opposed to one for each of his brothers.This story should speak to all of us at Bellevue and drive us to a total submission to Christ and a new resolution to make sure that the character we demonstrate both privately and in public is comepletely pleasing to Him who sacrificed all for us.

3:07 PM, January 05, 2007


Bible-in-a-year said...

Reading since Abraham has some real "ick" (Karen's word) stories.

Then realize that things were *not* better during all those centures before **before** the Flood:

Abraham: pharaoh's house and Sarah
Hagar, polygamy

Soddom and Gamorrah: angels almost raped, offered virgin daughter as a trade.
Lot and two daughters

Isaac: wife is my sister (no actual marriage like with Abraham).

Jacob: Leah, 2 wives' maids.

Rape of Dinah, slaughter as reprisal

Judah and Tamar: brother-in-laws' widow duty, death penalty for interefering with duty, incest with daughter-in-law, death penalty for pregnant prostitutes, illegit child.

"Sheesh" (AOG's word).

Bible-in-a-year said...

A son of Jacob slept with one of Jacob's concubines? Reuben? (49:4)